Healthy people die unexpectedly all the time and often they leave complicated and incomplete administration for their heartbroken families to untangle. There are a few simple checks and steps to ensure that you make life as easy as possible for your loved ones should tragedy strike. If you have any assets at all in your name, if you are married and, most especially, if you have children, take a few minutes to read how to avoid adding hassle to their heartbreak.
News & Opinions
Financial Planning
Giving Meaning To Your Money
“What does money really mean for me and my family?” By posing some good questions initially, we shift the thought process from the money itself to giving your money meaning. This results in better investment outcomes and overall long-term financial wellbeing
Have You Got Enough To Do?
Waking up on the first day of your retirement with nothing planned may seem like bliss. But after a while, the novelty wears off. It is then that many retirees hit a slump and start questioning their purpose and value as individuals. In the third and final article in our Retirement Readiness series, we explore the question Have you got enough to do?
Danger Lies Around Every Corner
Yet another investment scam has hit the South African news headlines. Thousands of investors will lose money after entrusting funds to BHI Trust, which was essentially a fraudulent Ponzi scheme. The BHI Trust allegedly raked in almost R3bn, and only around R4m has been tracked down. Veritas Wealth, a regulated and licensed financial advisory business, reflects on its role in keeping its clients’ funds safe.
Do You Have Enough?
Stepping into retirement is a bigger lifestyle transition than most people realise. To help you prepare, American author Mitch Anthony says you should ask yourself three key questions.
Last month, we considered your mental preparedness under the title: Have you had Enough? Now, in the second article in our Retirement Readiness series, we delve into the question: Do you have Enough?
Veritas Wealth UK Landing
To assist our long-standing clients and their families who are planning a move or are currently residing in the UK, Veritas has partnered with a UK financial planning firm that shares our lifestyle planning philosophy.
Veritas will continue to operate from its office in Cape Town and will offer this service to clients who emigrate, as an extension of our broader financial planning services.