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South Africa: Despair on Monday, Hope on Tuesday

The recent election results and formation of government have brought a sense of hope and renewal to our country. As the dust settles, many are optimistic about the potential economic outcomes. With hopefully, a newfound sense of stability and direction, businesses and investors are poised to thrive. In this article, we explore the possible economic implications of the new political landscape and what it could mean for your financial future.

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Staying One Step Ahead: Protecting Yourself from Cyber Fraud

In today’s digital age, the convenience and connectivity we enjoy come with a significant downside: the ever-present threat of cyber fraud. As technology evolves, so do the tactics of cybercriminals, making it more crucial than ever to stay vigilant and informed. Cyber fraud can take many forms, from phishing emails that trick you into revealing personal information to sophisticated malware that infiltrates your devices.

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Dont’ Add Hassle To Heartbreak

Healthy people die unexpectedly all the time and often they leave complicated and incomplete administration for their heartbroken families to untangle. There are a few simple checks and steps to ensure that you make life as easy as possible for your loved ones should tragedy strike. If you have any assets at all in your name, if you are married and, most especially, if you have children, take a few minutes to read how to avoid adding hassle to their heartbreak.

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Who Else Is In The Room?

In social settings, investment discussions can stir self-doubt as we assume everyone else knows more than we do. Amidst the noise, it is easy to feel uncertain among seemingly confident investors. But understanding a mental strategy can provide clarity amidst the crowd, helping us navigate social scenarios with assurance and gain insights into our role within the investing landscape.

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Have You Got Enough To Do?

Waking up on the first day of your retirement with nothing planned may seem like bliss. But after a while, the novelty wears off. It is then that many retirees hit a slump and start questioning their purpose and value as individuals. In the third and final article in our Retirement Readiness series, we explore the question Have you got enough to do?

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