Who We Are
The Value We Add
Clearing the clutter and putting you firmly in control
We help clients to bring order to the financial clutter that’s gathered over time, restore structure, and give them peace of mind. Much like a spring-clean of your clothes cupboard is a tedious task but one that needs to be done from time to time.
Helping you to show up and follow through
Why do we pay personal trainers to help us get and stay fit? Because they hold us to our best intention – of staying fit. A financial planner brings accountability to your stated financial goals.
Looking beyond your finances and investments
We bring insight from the outside. We help you unravel the problem and allow you to come to your own decisions. We tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear. Our ability to bring objectivity to a decision you are facing is very valuable.
Preparing you for life’s ups and downs
People make their worst financial decisions at times of high stress, which is normally coupled with a big life transition such as retirement, divorce, retrenchment or losing a family member. There is great value in being prepared for most eventualities.
Having the experience and empathy to be your sounding board
We make it easier to have those emotionally-difficult conversations and to think through every financial decision, so that you act or react as rationally as possible in every situation.
Working with you, not for you
We don’t see ourselves as advisors giving instructions; we are with you on this journey. But we can’t row the boat on our own; we need you to pick up an oar and work in sync with us.