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Beware Latest E-Mail Scams

We continue to hear more and more stories of clients' email accounts being hacked, which is a very concerning trend, especially when it involves the security of one's financial transactions Criminals are managing to hack into emails, monitor your communications, and...

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Cohabitation and the Legal Landscape in South Africa

In today’s evolving world, many individuals are moving away from traditional marriage and opting for cohabitation. This shift makes it essential to understand the legal landscape, particularly in South Africa, where cohabitation lacks the legal standing of marriage. This article delves into the legal realities of cohabitation, emphasizing the importance of cohabitation agreements and the potential risks for cohabiting partners

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Financial Planning for Young Professionals

A very successful and well-attended event was recently held specifically for young professionals, as part of the Financial Planning Week hosted by the Financial Planning Institute. A panel of advisers provided young professionals with the tools to kickstart their financial journey. Veritas Wealth was proud to have Cole Zweistra on the panel, where he shared some valuable insights and financial planning tips, from budgeting and investments to retirement planning.

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Don’t Go Potty

We delve into the risks of accessing your retirement savings early under the new Two-Pot Retirement System. While the rules may allow it, withdrawing from your retirement fund can have serious, long-term consequences, not even mentioning the extra tax you will pay on withdrawals. Do not jeopardise your retirement just because you are now “allowed” to.

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What Is The Two-Pot Retirement System All About?

You would have heard in the media recently that the Two pot retirement system has been signed into legislation effective 1 September of this year.
We explain in simple terms what this means for you and what your choices are going forward. Our advice to clients around retirement funds has always been to discourage any form of pre-retirement withdrawal as this very negatively impacts the outcome in retirement. In this article we discuss the reasons why this legislation has come about, how it impacts you and that ultimately our advice (to NOT make pre retirement withdrawals unless all other avenues have been exhausted) remains the same.

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