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Making a Sabbatical Work for You and Your Business

May 26, 2016 | Financial Planning, Lifestyle | 3 comments

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Life is full of changes: in fact, if I had to put a theme to our meetings with clients, it would be ‘Change’. Change for the better, hopefully, but always change: whether it’s changing jobs, changing roles within the same business, resigning or being made redundant, starting a small business, joining a smaller business from a large corporate, changing careers or taking time off to study further or take a sabbatical. What we at Veritas believe is that how well you cope with change has a lot to do with your planning.

Take me for example. I’m about to take a two-month sabbatical in June and July; it’s one I’ve planned for years, in fact, my sabbatical was built into the Veritas business plan, when we founded our company back in 2004. Besides catching up with my Irish family in Spain and France, I’ll be travelling…and not just for business! I’ve often had opportunities to travel to some great locations on rugby tours and conferences, but rarely have I had more than an hour or so each time to do some sightseeing. I’m excited about seeing and doing some things I haven’t done before, and experiencing travel in a freer way…which is something I’ve always wanted to do.

Towards the end of my trip, I’ll be attending the annual Financial Planning Association Conference in the US, as well as meeting with leading financial planning businesses similar to ours, in Washington D.C. It’s all part of our constant quest to grow our knowledge and keep up with the latest development in our industry, which is driven by our desire to be thought leaders here at home. While I’m exploring and learning, for the rest of the team, it will be business as usual.

The reason this will work for me and for Veritas is that it has all been carefully considered and planned, as mentioned, from the very genesis of our firm. Taking time out is something we’ve always identified as being fundamentally important; and we’ve prepared for it.

My being able to take a sabbatical shows our absolute faith in the strength of Veritas as a business. For we are not just a practice built around one or two individuals; we are a business with five experienced financial planners and a committed support team. This is no accident: since 2004, we’ve worked towards getting robust systems, processes and people in place so that the business can operate at all times. It all comes down to planning.

Furthermore, we’ve tested these systems through the years, as our planners have taken leave, which is how we know that an extended leave will work for Veritas and for our clients. Some businesses that are people specific don’t necessarily want to put systems, processes and people in place: they prefer for the business to be about themselves. It’s a choice, but one which seldom affords them the opportunity to take time off. We’ve chosen a different route, one which ensures that the business does not suffer if we are away.

Taking a break is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It allows you to see things you might not ordinarily see, expand your knowledge and network, spend more time with your loved ones and enjoy the stimulation and adventure of travel. All of that makes for a refreshed outlook on life and business, which remains with you long after you set foot back in the office. The bonus is that when you re-energise, you bring new energy into your business. Thanks to our ongoing planning, I’m able to do all of this.

All the Best,






  1. Paul

    Enjoy it, you deserve it…


    Enjoy a well deserved holiday.

  3. Jock Sutherland

    Enjoy the break Barry – something I haven’t been able to plan for or get right myself. Your plans have refocused my mind to do something about it.


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